Saturday, August 25, 2007


The flag of the United States of America is a bad flag. Many people, especially Americans, disagree with that statement. Why do they? Well, my guess is because they are attached to it and have grown up with the design and feel that if they criticized their nation's flag, they would feel unpatriotic or something. In other words, they are proud of their nation and feel that they should be proud of their flag. This should not be the case. People should not be proud of a bad flag design.

Now people ask, "Why is it a bad flag design? It has tons of sybolism, and it looks great." Yes, that is true, but did you know that a flag will always have a lot of symbolism if you cram way too many symbols onto one design? That is why the United States flag is bad. Because it is much too complicated. People might say, "No, it is not complicated. There are only stars and stripes." Now, that is false. Only stars and stripes? And how many stars and stripes are there? "Only sixty-three." Only sixty-three? ONLY? The United States flag is complicated and should be changed.

Some people might ask, "Why does it need to be changed after 47 years?" Well, things change over time, especially the United States. The original thirteen stripes and Union Jack wasn't a good design, either. Way too many stripes; it gives some people headaches, I'm guessing. Also looks like a candy cane when wrapped around a pole. Now that's funny.
Anyway, things change, and flags do, too. It is time for a change. Also, did you ever wonder why the stars are five-pointed? There is no reason. There goes a lot of that "symbolism". What do stars have to do with the United States? Nothing. There goes a lot more of the symbolism.

Then people might ask, "Well, no design could be better than the current United States flag." If people design some, we will find one design which stands out.

I am hoping for a new flag for the United States of America. I will be trying to design some, and looking for more. If you have any designs, please email them to me.

It is time for a better flag for the United States of America. I can't wait!


Anonymous said...

The whole point of a flag is to identify something or somebody. Once you have achieved that, why change? The US flag is highly identifiable as it is, probably moreso than any other, from a distance. Change for change's sake isn't good; there must be a legitimate reason. And to change something that's been around a long time requires an overwhelming reason, and you haven't presented that! If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

FlagFreak said...

Well, it is a bad flag, so it is "broke".

Robin Nixon said...

What if/(when) the US unites with Canada and Mexico ;) ?

Would the flag look something like this one:

Robin Nixon said...

Oops the link wasn't made auto-clickable so here you go...

FlagFreak said...

Sorry, but the website will not appear on my computer. I'm using Internet Explorer 7. But I like the sound of it: "The United States of Camerico".

Anonymous said...

the US flag is actualy one the most recognized flags in the world its design can be adapted onto all sorts of things - even with some stripes and stars missing it still looks like the US flag children can draw it - or a reresentation with missing stars and stripes and and still be identified as the US flag - if a chid can draw it the design is not too complicated
thre is no reason to change the flag! it is incredibly pretty and majestic
i am English and i can saflsay the US flag is my favorite flag ever!

FlagFreak said...

so the children are stupid?


Anonymous said...

I agree with any mouse a google percent. It isn't broke, so it never needs fixing. I served in the U.S. Armed Forces under the Stars & Stripes, and its design deserves to remain defended from change.

Anonymous said...

I'm British but I think the US flag is one of the most beautiful designs ever.

Even seeing a quality G-Spec flag made by Valley Forge gives me a funny patriotic feeling even though I'm not an American.

If you're going to change the inherent design, you are going against the whole history of the nation.

I doubt the American nation would support your change either. The US flag right now looks awesome!

Beatleboy62 said...

Honestly, I agree with everyone else, but seriously, if you find this nation's flag confusing, what do you think about the Mexican flag? The Indian flag? Each with their own little details, that's what makes them that country and instantly recognizable.

I would never want a flag that's just three little bars, like 80 percent of the world.

The Stars and Stripes ARE America.

Anonymous said...

Everyone who says the american flag SYMBOLISES america is dumb cus the colours r from the british flag and like flagfreak said where did the stars come from yeh the american flag looks alright but there is a LOT of room for improvement and the new 1 should probably include the Bald eagle (that is symbolism) also america might have a history but it isnt very long and americans out there dont forget u r basically british or european if u look back far enough

BTW im half scottish half english

Anonymous said...

First of all, the Montengro flag does not look ugly in my opinion, and there is no reason to change the American flag. I think it is a good flag because it represents a lot actually; 50 stars-50 states, 13 bars-13 original colonies. The flag is perfectly fine the way it is.

Anonymous said...

hi, i am totally with everybody else that says the american flag is good as it is. i still have memories of childhood when i drew american flags and said the pledge of allegiance! all you guys have against it is that its "bad." What the heck does that even mean? Even these brits like our flippin' flag! And they call the revolutionary war "the great rebellion!" not to mention the countless men and women that died protecting that flag BECAUSE it represents our country! what are the hillbillies gonna say? what about half the songs written about the "red white and blue"? im sorry to troll, but there is no way in america that we are gonna change our flag, so stop saying theres gonna be a "new one" thank you!

Anonymous said...

The United States flag is designed like that, one, that the stars represent each added state; two, that each stripe represents the first "states" (The rebelling colonies); three, that the coloring is that of Great Britain (I guess to impress as well as insult Britain); and four (the ONLY guess), the five points to the stars represent the five "core" cabinet members' positions.